Sep 4, 2024
Lynn Carroll, the Chief Operating Officer at HSBlox, focuses on payer-provider collaboration to mitigate risks related to the transition from a fee-for-service model to value-based care. Care coordination is critical to this model to reduce duplicative and unnecessary services and low-value providers by effectively sharing patient data. They are seeing an emphasis on high-cost categories, diagnostics, and disease management to rein in costs and improve patient outcomes.
Lynn explains, "At HSBlox, we have built a platform for payer and provider collaboration around these types of arrangements, particularly for onboarding different types of alternative payment model contracts, bringing together the care continuum to align primary care with specialty care because primary care can’t go alone in achieving success under value-based programs. A significant amount of spend, particularly under the total cost of care programs, is driven by specialty utilization."
"We have built a platform that allows for multi-participant programs that enable the sharing of data and the movement of funds across these different alternative payment models. The purpose of the platform was to provide the infrastructure that would allow these programs to flourish and accelerate the pace of the end game for value-based administration."
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